Life is always considered to be very complicated. On the other hand if you look closely into it, you will find it simple and easy. You just need to understand some basic things in your life, which you can also called as some sort of rules. Through my life experiences and watching closely to some very successful people, I have derived some conclusions. I am sharing these conclusions with you, so that you can also take benefits from them.
Before you pass away, use yourself well.
The most important mistake that people do is about time. We consider that time is always running out, which is a big mistake. Time is not passing, but we are. Everyone has same amount of time. When we are thinking that time is getting wasted, we are actually wasting ourselves. Eventually, we will age and die ultimately, but time will not. So, before you pass away, use yourself well.
Never compare with others
Comparing yourself to others is one of the worst things you can do with your time. A dog will die if it eats grass, yet a cow eats it and gains weight. Never assess yourself against others. It’s possible that what works for one person will kill you. Don’t be jealous of the blessings God bestowed upon another; instead, concentrate on the abilities and skills God has given you. Build on your special potential. You have it.
Shark and Lion are both Professional hunters, but a Shark cannot hunt in the forest, and neither can a Lion in the ocean. The fact that a Lion cannot hunt in the ocean or that a Shark cannot hunt in the forest does not render either of them useless because each has a specific environment in which they may thrive.
Never give up
Look for and build on your own strengths, which you also possess. Never belittle yourself; always strive to be better. Do not forget that broken crayons still have color. Never give up because you never know how close you are to reaching your objective. Just have faith in yourself and the almighty and you will soon find success in your life.
Be Happy
And the most important thing is be happy. Ups & down are part of life. What we must not forget is being happy with small things around. Most of us, in search of bigger moment of happiness, misses out small moments in their life, which we shouldn’t. Remember, life is made with many small moments and not with just one or two bigger moments. So, understand the importance of these small moments and live well.